Here are Maggie and I all suited up to go swimming!!!

I was SO excited on the way over that I couldn't even stay still! Here's mom trying to chill me out!

She's saying "SALINGER...CHILLLLLL your puggy a$$ down!!!!"
Holden and Seth were a little amped up too. Look at them sticking baby carrots in their orifices!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA

Yes, ladies...they'll be available for dating in a few years! Get in line!!!!
FINALLY after like 833758265823628 hours (**Mom's was 20 minutes TOPS!**) we got there and got in the water!

Be sure to click to biggify to see all of the important stuff labeled!
Daddy got in the water too and Mom took a video!!! Check me out swimming!!!
You may want to watch this on "mute" me!
The Indy Star (Newspaper) was there too!!! MAGGIE made the paper! Check out the photo gallery of all the fun!
Hysterical! I especially love Maggie on the leash trying to swim away!
Wow that sure be lookin like fun, I wished I could go somewhere like that
Sal, you are SOOO cute in your little life vest! Momma thinks Maggie is pretty smoochable too!
You guys always have so much fun!
S-Dog, it's your shopping friend here. You guys looked like you had such a blast that maybe you've changed my mind about going to our Dog Days at the local swimmin' hole. (Mack says NO WAY JOSE). Where did you get that cute floatie thing. The color looks fabulous on you. I might pick one up for our pool day. Loved the pix of you, your fam and cousins.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
So was the cookie for a doggy or human....BOL!!!
Salinger that looked like a blast...we had a soggy labor day rained of course =)
Hey Sal,
I was all piumped for you when I saw the pics, wishing we had doggy days at our local water park. But then I saw the video. Dude, I am not 100% convinced you were digging the swimming thing.It was all good til I saw the look on your face as you approached the edge of the pool. It was like you were screaming Ahhhhhh,get me the f outta here, are you people crazy?! But if you say it was fun, I believe you
Sal, I'm so jealous! One of our local pools did this same thing but Mom didn't find out about it til too late! I've never been in the water and I'm dying to try it out! I want one of those snazzy life vests too!
You look like you had a fantastic time, Salinger! But, dude! Your feetsies were paddling but your dad was holding you back! No wonder you weren't making any progress!!
Hola Sal!
We just LOVE your Adventures!,
You havew the gratest Life.
Spongy & Licky
oh my gosh, what a super fun day!! i am so jelly, we don't have anything like that around here. you all looked so cute in your swim gear and swimming in the pool. i left the volume up on the movie, ollie approved and gives this film two paws up!
Sal, buddy.....that looks like a great time (if ya like water, that is).
Tell the guys I'll take them baby carrots when they're done with 'em.
Gosh that looks like you guys had so much fun! They never have fun stuff like that around here!
Salinger, dude, you don't really look like you enjoy swimming. Or am I reading more into that than there is. (I know I hate it, Lucky loves it, the twit.)
we are squeaking over here!
ooooooo look at salinger swwwwimmmm!
so cute!
and we burst out laughing at the carrot pictures.
too much fun going on over there!
what a wonderful family!
m & e
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