THIS is center...Jeff Saturday!

You can CLICK HERE to see some archived pics of the PUPPY Jeff Saturday and his sweet mama Sassy!
Next in our starting lineup is Quarterback...Peyton Annie Manning!

The 4 legged Peyton is a BUGG (Pug + Boston terrier)
Next up is tight end...Dallas Clark!

"Dally" (as he's affectionately called) is a PUG-TZU (Pug + Shih Tzu)
Last but not least...our favorite wide receiver...Reggie Wayne!

Mom stopped over at the Corral to pass along some tummy rubs and got to meet Baby Jeff Saturday in pugson. She left me at home because she figured I would act all turdley and stuck up like I did around Baby Stewie. Here she is getting PUPPY KISSES (a.k.a. CHEATING!) just before kickoff!

I wish you could hear mom...all yammery about "puppy breath"! Eeeesh!
Right off the bat...Jeff Saturday TACKLED his big sister, Peyton!

It sure looks like unnecessary roughness to us!!
Let's take a look at the instant replay!
Looks like a FIRST DOWN

(Get it? DOWN? hahahahaa)
Ok....TIME OUT to take a break and rest up for the rest of the game!

Here is a final pic of ME (Salinger) with one of the Pug Corral's coaches and Mom in Charge...JULIE!

She came to visit me last week and brought me TREATS!!! Nom nom nom...thank you Auntie Julie!!!!
Thanks for spending some time with the Pug Corral with us!!!! Happy Hump Day and as the Corral always says...TOUCHDOWNS AND TUMMY RUBS TO ALL!
Oh, Auntie Laura! You TOTALLY ROCK! Thank you for the fun pics and the video!
Now, maybe we can shame our Momma into finally getting her kiester in gear and update our blog! :o
Also, Momma wanted us to tell you that your Lemon Loaf and Pear Butter were "to die for!" And, Grandmama Jean gave them both two "mmmmmmm's up" and would like the recipes, please! ;)
Love you!
The Pug Corral
Oh what a team you got there..BOL
Benny & Lily
Sal, does it bother you that your mom is yammering about these other pugs? The Pug Corral bunch sure are cute though. Can't hardly blame her.
Um.. Touchdown? We don't watch the foosball around here :)
Kitty and Coco
LOL Kitty and Coco!!!
Jeff is one crazy puppy~! Don't blame you for sticking at your house while your mom *visits*
That Jeff kid's got a lot tuh learn. Yer supposed tuh PERTECT the QB!
Kids! I tell ya what.
Hey there Salinger.
Thanks for turning us on to the pug posse and all them cute a** pugs. I love that they are named for football players., and that pug-tzu is a living doll.
Don't let your Mom get too much of that puppy breath though, next thing you know there will be some little twirp running around peeing on your bed and stealing all you attention. Just looking out for you Sal.
Wow, we had no idea where Jeff Saturday ended up! A fellow blogger! KiKi will be so excited that we know where both her "brudders" are! You think they'll get to meetup??????
Thanks for introducing us to the Colts, S-Dog. We's happy they's ready for a new season.
Mom says we's telling LuLu the story tonight to get her motivationaled for the big game. Mom also says to tells you that the term is gris gris not hex. We puts a gris gris on your team!
We's looking forward to a great season for both our teams. Who Dat!
Hey S Dog---Minnine here without Mack right now. Saw your post and no problem with being a "picnic Basket", Yes we can still be friends! I love shopping, specially at the dog store that has designer clothes! How bout Saturday and we can do lunch, too? ha ha ha.
Love the pix of the football gang and their names! Who wooulda thought to do that. Tell your humom to make sure she gives you extra tummy rubs for smoching with the puppy!
:) Minnie
This is so cute! So glad to see Peyton Anne thriving in her adoptive home too! YAY for the Pug Corral!!
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