Hi everyone! Normally I'm much too proud and aloof to beg (hahaha) but for the next few days, I'm going to be on my PugKnees begging for your help.

See? This is my BEGGING face!
Some of you may know that my peeps and local friends are huge fans/supporters of
Kentuckiana Pug Rescue (KPR). KPR helps SO many Puggies move on to better lives and is made up of 100% volunteer efforts! To raise money for the Pugs currently in foster care (over 80!) and in need of medical attention, KPR holds a few events during the year that bring in some much needed dollars. One of these events is coming up on March 5 right here in Indy....MARCH IN THE PUGS!
CLICK HERE to read all about it!
Part of the fun (and a great moneymaker) of
March in the Pugs is the RAFFLE TABLE!!!

Do you recognize this work of art? Our amazingly talented friends
MELISSA AND EMMITT donated some great prints to be raffled last year (and the year before) and have kindly agreed to send another donation THIS year! THANK YOU guys!
Another amazingly talented friend,
PUNCHY, donated these goodies last year too!

(Oh...HI Flat Brutus!)
Trust me...people FLOCKED to the raffle tables for a chance to win one of these fabulous items!!!!
SO...my point of looking sad, pathetic and BEGGY today is to ask all of my friends/loyal readers/first time lurkers and even people that read us just for the jackassery factor, to PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING SOMETHING FOR OUR RAFFLE TABLE FOR OUR EVENT ON MARCH 5!!!!
Even if you're not crafty or artistic...GIFT CARDS are always a great raffle item (restaurants, Petco, PetSmart, etc). KPR is a non profit (501C3) organization and would be more than happy to send you a receipt for your donation and even list you as a sponsor on their website!

Please just Pee-Mail my assistant/mom at laura0227@yahoo.com and she will be FLIPPED OUT HAPPY to send you the address to mail a donation!
Please pass the word on to anyone you know that loves Puggies and would be interested in helping OR even attending the
March In The Pugs on March 5! ALL breeds (even SNOUTED breeds!) are welcome!!