Friday, May 30, 2008

Maggie, chicken and STAPH...OH MY!

Oh's been an exciting few days! Last night, I got to walk with my first girlfriend Maggie (uh oh...AWKWARD....I don't think Sophie knows her! ;-) Our mommies are good friends and they walked around Holden's school while he was having his soccer practice. Mommy figured it was a good way to exercise since we would have just been SITTING there watching the kids play....AND...they don't allow dogs on the field? What kind of dumb rule is THAT?
no dogs allowed
Dumbest rule EVER! What place isn't better with a Pug?

Maggie is a little bit smaller than I am, but she is SO full of energy and she has a long silly tongue like mine! We had a lot to chat about because we hadn't seen each other for a few weeks.
Maggie is in the blue harness. Isn't she cute?

Our moms walked us in circles around the school for a while until we were both snorting and sounded like a couple of asthmatics with whooping cough!!!! Mom brought a big jug of icy water for us to share in my big Ikea bowl!

Mmmm...wasn't that water just DIVINE????

Mommy made us pose for a picture because we decided to have a tongue contest. I think mommy lost. She looks like she's at a drug bust in this picture (with her eyes all half closed).
WAKE UP MOM!!! You're missing the tongue contest!!!! who has the goofier tongue? We both look like we stole big hunks of HAM from the deli!!!! HAHAHAHA!
Here is Maggie.

This is me.

So after Holden's practice, we came home to find DADDY sitting in his favorite chair watching TV and eating CHICKEN!!!!!!!! YES...CHICKEN...without ME! I LOOOOOOOOOVES me some chicken (or really whatever daddy is eating) so I went to see if he would share.

I did my best luck.
Only a tiny nibble of chicken could help this poor starving Puggy!

Daddy had me do all my tricks (sit, shake, speak)...........

Then...SUCCESS!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMM....chicken!!!!!! Thank you daddy!
Photobucket mommy left me here all by myself while she was at Holden's Field Day at shcool. She left me some treats, but they made me throw up (like lots of stuff does) so she came home to a nice surprise (no glad). While she was cleaning me off, she checked my lip...I've had a weird spot that she calls my "zit". She thought it was getting better, but today it was WORSE and HUGE and NOW I have them all over my CHIN!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEWWWWWW!
HEY! I was taking a nap!!!!!!!!!

Mommy called the vet (she was worried that maybe a spider bit me or I had gotten into something in the yard) and they told her to bring me in. My vet is SO nice and the people that work in his office are so nice to me. Today, a nice lady named Amber weighed me (24 pounds! OOOOF!) and then I got to see my favorite vet lady, Betsy (HI BETSY!)! She tells me how cute I am and lets me kiss her. Mom showed her my lip and then Dr. Graves came in and talked to me for a few minutes and told mom that I have something called a Staph infection (!!!) and that it was no big deal and easy to treat. WHEW!!!!!! Apparently some of the follicles where my whiskers grow can get infected pretty easily. Mom was so relieved, she almost (ALMOST!) didn't mind paying for my medicine. She brought me home and she got down on the floor with me to rub my tummy and tell me that I'm going to be ok.

SO...that's been my exciting few days. I think I need to go take another nap.
S-Dog OUT!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I've been FURMINATED!!!!!!!

Oh wouldn't believe what happened to me! I've been FURMINATED! I have been shedding like CRAZY (must be the warmer weather and getting rid of all this winter coat!) and Mommy keeps crabbing that she can't even wear her favorite color (black) around me! My girlfriend Sophie (kiss kiss Sophie!) had this treatment and her mommy said it worked, so MY mommy got one from the vet yesterday. The vet lady laughed and told her "make sure you're outside!" The comb looks kind of pointy, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Mommy was a litle flipped out too, so she decided to wait until Holden got home so he could help. brother Holden got off the big yellow bus this afternoon and I had to kiss his face off for about half an hour before we got started.

Mommy set up some towels on the deck and then bribed me with a new butcher bone (mmmm....I LOOOOOOOOVE those!) and then combed me. I didn't mind it at all!
Mmmmmmmmm...butcher bone! I didn't even notice the comb!

Holden even got a turn!
What a nice brother!!!! I'm so glad the big yellow bus brought him home today!

They only worked on me for about five minutes, but when they were done, I was TOTALLY confused because it looked like a whole other dog on the towel!!!!
WHAT THE...? PUG? PUG? Where ARE you? I KNOW there has to be another Pug here!

Just LOOK at all this!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!! It's amazing I'm not totally bald!

Mommy said we'd do more another time. She was afraid of hurting my skin, so she just let me have my bone and left me alone.
OH thank you Mommy!!!!!

Holden brought me a piece of lettuce from his garden! I LOOOOOVE lettuce (well, I love any food really, but Holden's lettuce is really tasty!)
It would have been better with a little balsamic vinaigrette, bleu cheese and toasted pecans, but maybe next time!

SO....TWO PAWS UP for the Furminator!!!!!! It was totally worth the price ($35) and hopefully mommy will stop being so yelly about her black clothes!!!!

OH...thanks so much to Sophie ( ) for picking my "I'm in trouble" picture as the winner of the photo contest!!!!! I will be sure to throw some EXTRA kisses your way next weekend and maybe even some for Dixie too!!!!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I love long weekends!

Hi everyone! WOW...I'm so surprised at how many new friends I have here and how many nice friends (and their people) have left me nice comments and messages! I feel like a rockstar!

I had such a nice long weekend (technically it's still going on because Daddy took the day off today too!). I got to spend a lot of time with Daddy, which is a nice change of pace because I'm always here with Mommy. Holden was in Michigan and I really missed him, but I kissed his face off during the ride home yesterday in the car!

Daddy and I were laaaaaaaazy and slept in really late in the big cloud bed...I think it was Saturday. Mommy got up early and took this picture of us. I had to yell at her to go AWAAAAY, so she went and had her coffee and did some work.
Go AWAAAAY MOMMY!!!!!!! We're sleeping!!!!!!!!

I don't know if I told you, but almost every morning, Mommy takes me for a walk (a little over 2 miles). She takes me for another one in the evening with Daddy too, but this weekend, Daddy got to go on BOTH walks! I'm really trying to lose some of my "treat pudge" (and so is Mommy!).

Come on! Put me down and keep hoofing it Mom!!!!!
FAAAAASTER daddy! We have to catch up!

I also got to help with LAUNDRY!!!!!!!!! I love laundry because the dryer sheets are SO yummy!!!! Mommy usually steals them from me before I can eat the whole thing and she yells something about "digestion" and "vet bills" (I don't know what those are...I just know they're delicious!). I'm a really good laundry I am standing on Mommy's CMU sweatshirt so she knows where it is.
Come on Mommy! This thing isn't going to hang itself up!!!!!!

We watched a very cool hockey game on Saturday night! We are BIG BIG fans of the Detroit Red Wings and they are in the Stanley Cup Finals!!! The beat up a team called the Penguins (which makes sense because even *I* know that Penguins can't play hockey! They just waddle around!!!). I keep telling Mommy that I need a Wings jersey, but she gets crabby when she sees how expensive they are. HELLOOOOOO...I'm totally worth it!!!!
How COOL would I look in this???????

I also helped Mommy water her flowers and plants in the yard and also ate some grass...YUM!
SOOOOOO pretty!!!

Daddy put a new light up outside to replace the ugly one that we had up there (it looked like a mayonnaise jar). I stood guard for him just in case any rogue lantern theives came along.
Ok Daddy...the area is secure...go ahead and finish up that light! I'll cover you!

Since no one was running around in a big hurry...I got LOTS and LOTS of tummy rubs and ear scratches! SOOOOO nice!

SOOOOOO niiiiiiiice!!!!!


So that was my nice relaxing weekend. Daddy is off today too so we will probably do some more fun stuff later. Mommy said she's taking me to the vet's office (I LOVE my vet! Dr. Graves has a HUGE fishtank in his waiting room!) to buy something called a FURMINATOR! My girlfriend Sophie (hiiiiii Sophie....wink wink!) has one and her mommy LOVES it! I'm sure I'll have a report for you soon!
Hmmmm....should I be nervous????

Have a wonderful day everyone! Talk to you soon! OH...mommy knows how to start a "friends" list here now, so I'll help her get ALL of my new friends listed!

OH...private note to my Mimi and Pa....have a wonderful trip and kiss Uncle Scotty Honey for me!

Peace out,
S-Dog (hahaha...that's one of my nicknames)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yardwork assistant

Ok, now that you're all up to speed on what I've done for my first year or so, mom can start sharing my day to day Puginess!

This is Memorial Day weekend and the weather is beautiful here in Indy today! The only bad thing (well, bad according to crabby Mommy) is living in Indy during race (the Indy 500) weekend! EVERYWHERE is so crowded and the traffic is terrible and Mommy just likes to stay home and let everyone else do their thing. I think she takes after my grandpa (her dad, but I haven't met him yet!).

Since Holden is in Michigan with his dad and Dadddy took Will and Lizz to the movies to see Indiana Jones, Mommy decided to do some yardwork and mow the lawn, trim and pull weeds. COOL!! I'm the best helper!!!

I'm not really scared of the lawn mowing machine, so I like to sort of walk a few feet next to it and make sure it gets all the grass. By the time I was done, my paws looked like SHREK!
Just look at my paws!!!!!!!!!

Mommy decided to give me a bath to clean my paws up. I LOVE LOVE LOVE baths! I know most dogs hate them, but I LOVE to plop down in the bubbles and let mommy massage me. It feels like I'm at the day spa!
Rub a dub dub.....Puggy in the tub!

Now, I don't know about the rest of my fellow Pugs, but I get INSANE after my bath! Mommy dries me with a towel and I run around looking crazed and making growly noises! I run in circles and all over the house for about an hour after my bath. I sometimes even jump up on her nice bed and roll around on the blankets making growly noises. I'm just SPASTIC I tell you!

So that's been my exciting Saturday. Mommy is going to make chicken for dinner and then we're all going to watch HOCKEY tonight (go Wings!).

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Go's your birthday!

I had my first birthday last month! It was a lot of fun because all but 2 of my brothers and sisters, my PugMom, Gertie and my PugDad Rufus (and their families) got together at my PugMom's house! My Mommy made us all banana pupcakes and we ran around in the big yard and the people gave us bites of hot dogs! It was such a fun party!

Left to right (pugs only) that's ME, my PugDad Rufus, my sister Tibbi, My PugMom Gertie, my brother Bert and my sister Helen. The two missing are my brothers Diggy and Dudley. Their mom couldn't bring them :-(

So as if THAT wasn't enough fun, my family had a special party for me on my actual birthday! It was as big of a deal as their human birthday parties are! Mommy made an extra banana pupcake for me (yum!) and that's when I got GRACE, my favorite toy and Pug Decoy. It's hard to tell which one of us is the real pug!


SO...I'm one year old now and officially not a puppy anymore. My family says I'll always be their puppy, just like how mommy is always saying that my brother, Holden will always be her baby...even when he's 40 and bald and has tattoos!

I can be a turd too! is totally on a roll today!

NOW that you've met me and seen how cute and adorable I am...she feels the need to share my "dark side" with you too. I keep trying to tell her that Pugs are SUPPOSED to be clownlike and goofy and get into mischief, but sometimes I do things that make her roll her eyes and sometimes use bad words. Here are some examples...

Sometimes when I'm hungry (which is always) I get all loud and growly and sometimes downright RUDE trying to ask for food. It's hard work being this cute and I really need to keep my strength up...don't they get that??? Grrrrrrrrrr

I love to fool my family with my stuffed Pug decoys! I have two of them...this one is Phoebe and she's a little bit smaller than I am now, but now I have Grace (not pictured) that is my same size! I love to leave her on the floor or on the stairs and freak everyone out! HAHAHA...those people are SO easy to fool!

All the books say that Pugs are mainly indoor and lazy dogs. I didn't get that memo because I LOVE being outside and digging in my brother's garden! I'm not supposed to be in there...but he caught me in his pumpkin patch last fall. Oops! BUSTED!

Speaking of pumpkins....I can really be a doofus sometimes

This is my other favorite purple monkey named Nipsy. I like to get it on with him in the evenings (yes...he's a vet says it's ok to experiment).

Mommy says she won't be leaving the bathroom closet door open anymore. I thought these were treats!

I LOVE the snow and had so much fun running around in it and getting all wet and gross and giving mommy a heart attack thinking I was going to get hypothermia! She would bring me in and towel me off and I would run right back out my doggie door!!! HAHAHAHAA! It tasted almost like ice cream!

This one is mommy's favorite picture of me being naughty. I sat in the door for probably twenty minutes with these where ALL the neighbors could see what I had!

SO there you have it. I am a very good boy most of the time, but once in a while I just have to shake things up to keep my family on their toes. How boring would it be if I were just one of those lazy pugs that did nothing but sleep all day? LAAAAAAAAME!

Bringing you up to speed

Ok, now that mom thinks she figured out the whole html picture deal, we're ready to catch you up to speed on what's been going on first year of my puggy life!

My first day at home was a lot of fun. I got SO many kisses and new toys, I felt like I won the lottery!

I still get to see my mom (Gertie the Pug) and one of my brothers (Bert) all the time! They came and stayed the weekend with us once last summer while Bert and I were still babies (I'm in the red collar)!

My family took me to a cool beach on a big lake called Lake Michigan. Mommy says it's her favorite place on earth and she used to spend a lot of time there when she was a girl. I LOVED the sand and chasing all the seagulls!

Mommy and Holden (my brother) took me to PetSmart puppy classes and I passed with flying colors! Here I am at my graduation!

My family took me to a 4H Pet Fair last summer to see how I did at Dog Agility. Don't they know that someone with MY build isn't going to exactly excel at agility? Goofy people!

Halloween was really fun! I love going to the "Dog's Night Out" that Countryside Animal Rescue sponsors the second Monday of each month (when it's warm outside). They had a special Halloween party and my brother Holden and I dressed up in our football gear!

I am the team mascot for my brother's football team! I got to ride in a wagon for the Homecoming parade here in Pendleton and even got my picture in the newspaper!

I got to see Santa this year! Mommy said it was a special Santa just for dogs. I didn't like her very much.

My PugBrother Bert and I were being silly one day and his mom sent this picture to the newspaper for thier funny pet pictures section! My daddy laughs at this picture and says we look like we're telling jokes! Bert is in the green harness and I'm the one laughing at him because he's so funny! He doesn't live with me, but our mommies are good friends so we get to visit often.

Mommy and Holden took me to PetSmart for more advanced classes and I learned a lot there! I am such a good boy! Here I am with my awesome teacher Rick.

I got to see the Easter Bunny too! I'm not sure about these iconic holiday characters that my family seems to buy into.

Here I am driving to a Pug Meetup! HAHAHA! Mommy says I'm a really good driver!

There are GAZILLIONS of other pictures of me, but mommy decided just to show a few highlights to bring you up to speed on my first year! I'm sure she'll be posting lots of exciting things as they happen, plus maybe a few other "looks back" at funny things I've done.