My first day at home was a lot of fun. I got SO many kisses and new toys, I felt like I won the lottery!

I still get to see my mom (Gertie the Pug) and one of my brothers (Bert) all the time! They came and stayed the weekend with us once last summer while Bert and I were still babies (I'm in the red collar)!

My family took me to a cool beach on a big lake called Lake Michigan. Mommy says it's her favorite place on earth and she used to spend a lot of time there when she was a girl. I LOVED the sand and chasing all the seagulls!

Mommy and Holden (my brother) took me to PetSmart puppy classes and I passed with flying colors! Here I am at my graduation!

My family took me to a 4H Pet Fair last summer to see how I did at Dog Agility. Don't they know that someone with MY build isn't going to exactly excel at agility? Goofy people!

Halloween was really fun! I love going to the "Dog's Night Out" that Countryside Animal Rescue sponsors the second Monday of each month (when it's warm outside). They had a special Halloween party and my brother Holden and I dressed up in our football gear!

I am the team mascot for my brother's football team! I got to ride in a wagon for the Homecoming parade here in Pendleton and even got my picture in the newspaper!

I got to see Santa this year! Mommy said it was a special Santa just for dogs. I didn't like her very much.

My PugBrother Bert and I were being silly one day and his mom sent this picture to the newspaper for thier funny pet pictures section! My daddy laughs at this picture and says we look like we're telling jokes! Bert is in the green harness and I'm the one laughing at him because he's so funny! He doesn't live with me, but our mommies are good friends so we get to visit often.

Mommy and Holden took me to PetSmart for more advanced classes and I learned a lot there! I am such a good boy! Here I am with my awesome teacher Rick.

I got to see the Easter Bunny too! I'm not sure about these iconic holiday characters that my family seems to buy into.

Here I am driving to a Pug Meetup! HAHAHA! Mommy says I'm a really good driver!

There are GAZILLIONS of other pictures of me, but mommy decided just to show a few highlights to bring you up to speed on my first year! I'm sure she'll be posting lots of exciting things as they happen, plus maybe a few other "looks back" at funny things I've done.
YAY SALINGER!!! We are so pumped that you are blogging too! Can't wait to read more- and SEE YOU June 7th!!!!!
xoxoxo licks xoxoxo Sophie
...and Dixie
Hi Salinger...
My name is Ruby and I'm buddies with Sophie and Dixie!!! Hope we can be friends.
Oh and isn't Sophie cute???? Hint, hint, hint...
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh, Salinger - the picture of you driving is hilarious!!! We LOVE it, and are so glad your mom figured out the picture thing, cause they are great!
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