While Mimi and Pa were here visiting last week, the people had planned on leaving me ALL ALONE and they were going to go Christmas shopping (so Mimi and Pa didn't have to ship anything back to Indiana...I could all be wrapped and stay here). Friday morning Mommy got all ready and was waiting to GO but eeeeeveryone else was being SO POKEY! Mimi was changing her clothes, daddy was messing around on his blackberry and Pa kept asking for emery boards and saying he wanted to watch the financial news. Mommy was ready to start getting all yelly when the DOORBELL RANG!

DING DONG!!!! WHO could that be???????

OMG! OMG! It's UNCLE SCOTT!!!! He is mommy's younger brother and he lives in PORTLAND, OREGON and flew ALLLLL this way to surprise us!!!!! Everyone knew except for mommy! Thankfully no one got a picture of mommy crying and ME running loose out in the street when I escaped through the open door!
Uncle Scott is SO cool! He got a cool rental car while he was here! He gave Holden a ride.

We all went to Falls Park and fed the ducks and walked around the river.

Here is Pa, Uncle Scott and Holden all down by the river at Falls Park. Mommy stayed up with me.
We spent some time down on the pier near our house feeding the fish Wonder Bread (they LOVE it).

Here is Uncle Scott, Mommy and Mimi (Mimi is their mom....can you believe it?). Daddy took this picture and said it looks like one of the Kennedy family photos! HAHAHAHAA!
Uncle Scott went to Holden's football game with us too! Here is a group photo of all of us after the game

Check it out! I have my Titans jersey on!
Mommy and Uncle Scott had fun laughing about the things they used to do when they were little (like make Mimi and Pa crazy!)

They're smiling because they're too old to be grounded! HAHAHAHA
So that was the BIGGEST surprise ever! I've met just about EVERYONE in my family now!!!! Mommy still can't believe they pulled this off...she is VERY hard to surprise!
We had such a nice family visit and it was very sad when everyone left

I'm sad!
ONE big question remains.........
DID I KISS PA????????????
We're going to make you wait another day and we'll tell you tomorrow! HAHAHAHAA