Here I am at the jobsite (a.k.a. living room) making sure the drop cloths were soft, comfortable, and warmed up.
Next, I had to test the viscosity and durability of the paint that mom had rolled onto the wall in the foyer...

"Ummm...I think you're going to have to do that part again, mom!"
On the plus side...it's a very close match to my lovely fawn color!

Here I am during Dad's shift. You might need to click to biggify.

Don't judge me...I'm the shop steward of United Adorable Pugs of America Local 311 and I was on my coffee break!!! It's in the contract!!!
Jackassery aside...the finished product looks AAAA-MAZING!

Living room


Phase 1 of the kitchen/dining area (more to come as we keep working).
Salinger you did a great job of "SNOOPERVISING". Your "peeps" did a great job - love the colors. Did the paint wash off your fur?
Well done Salinger. I once snoopervised an entire kitchen abd bath remodel that my Uncle Joe did at our old house. We made one of those step up bars in the kitchen like you have , except Dad called it "the crap-up bar". I guess because everything seemjed to land there. Wasn't my fault though, I couldn't reach it!
I do love the colors! What's next?
Oh my we hope that fawn paint comes out oks. You did a great job too!
Great Job, Sal! All that work looks fantastic; you are definitely a first-rate Snoopervisor. :^)
Holy moly Sal! The house looks pugtastic! Good thing the walls weren't painted purple though or you'd have a purple side right now. Oh, wait. That might be totally cool.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Pee-Ess: You were right. Mom totally got how you and Daisy look alike. She was giving dad a thesis the other day on how some puggies are so different and yet look alike and vise versa. For some reason, he wasn't totally enthralled.
Salinger you did a great job snoopervising and yes that color is you. It matches your fur purrfectly
Benny & Lily
Wow, your parents have done a lot of work and you've done a lot of snoopervising! Everything looks really great (though the TV still seems a little bit high for me). My walls are still the neutral color they were when I bought the condo....and nothing is on the walls yet! Perhaps I need a puggie snooperviser like you to get the work done!
Oh Sal, it all looks amaaaaazing! Clearly it would not have been possible without you. And we LOVE that pug picture by the stairway!!
hi Saliger. You are a top notch snooperviser for sure. You made sure the job not only got done, but looks good too. We love the colors, in fact- the same colors we have. Everythihg looks so nice!
I'm loving the puggy art! I have to convince my pawrents to get art of me!
Love, Marlene
Good job! It really all looks so good!
Looks great. Good thing you were there to help.
Minnie Moo
DUDE!!!!! I miss you!!!!
We need to get together and hang out soon!!!!
Hope to see you soon:)
Salinger, why is your mom hating on you for giving the paint a little fur texture? I've hears they call that "faux finishing" in fancy human terms. Geesh.
The place looks great!
Kitty and Coco
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