Looks like someone else was tired too.........
WHO is part of our PugPile???

It's MOM!

We had the BEST afternoon snooze here at The Lazy K!!!!!
Happy Hump Day everyone!
Two very pampered (NOT spoiled) Pugs and their daily musings and happenings as shared through the eyes of their family
Those pics are so sweet.
Mom says there is nothing better in the world than a good pug nap. You guys definitely look like you give good nap!
I love your cloud bed
I love your pug pile
nitey nite
the best naps are spent snuggled up with pugs.
Nothing like a pug pile, especially if mom can join.
I noticed your awesome stairs into the cloud bed. Do tell, where did you get them? My bed is way to high to jump into and the wood floors make it really scary to jump off of.
That's the best place to be!
Ahhh, a pug pile! Love it.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
oh what a wonderful post!
you just made our whole day!
m & e
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