We've done a lot of fun stuff like...

Have Family Game nights
Make cookies....

I helped Holden and Lizz make Spritz cookies!
Maggie and I ate our weight in McCheesyBurgers

We helped Mom roll Buckeye balls...

HEY LADY...how about tossing one to US?
We played a LOT

and we took a LOT of good naps!

Mmmm...the Big Cloud Bed ROCKS!
Aside from all the nice stuff...we witnessed and participated in our fair share of JACKASSERY too! Check this out....
Exhibit A.

A family SNUGGIE picture for our christmas cards (they said "We wish you a SNUGGIE Christmas and a happy new year!") Just look at the disgust on my face. Oy.
Exhibit B and C
Mom's new, interesting headwear....



SLIPPERS TOO???!!!??? Oy Gevalt!!!
Exhibit D.
Maggie apparently took up smoking

"Hey pal...gotta light?"
(***mom's note....RELAX...it's a Pork Chomp chew!)
Exhibit E.
Holden had THIS situation going on....

(***Mom's note...relax again...it's a build your own STRAW kit!)
Exhibit F.
Holden also was hellbent on shooting his eye out...while I stood there and had to watch.

As of the time of this post, he still has two eyes, thankfully!
Exhibit G.
Dad chased us around with the Shillelagh that Mimi and Pa sent him for Christmas!

Dad was yelling "Faugh a Ballaugh!....Always after me Lucky Charms!" Whatever that means!
Exhibit H. and I
THIS chick appeared in our front yard one day after it snowed....

She stood out in the yard looking all trashy and ho-like until the SUN came out....

Oh now THAT is a shame!
Just look what all this craziness did to Maggie!

Ummm...MOM? I think she fainted!!!

We still have to celebrate NEW YEAR'S EVE!!!!!!!!!!!
We hope everyone enjoys these last few days of 2010 and look forward to pics of your OWN holiday jackassery!