Holden had a soccer game this morning and decided to match his hair to his jersey

He looks like a CHIA HEAD!
Since they don't allow dogs at the soccer field, mom took this video so I could see Holden's powerfoot in action. He was playing goalie and made this big goal kick! (He's wearing the red goalie vest over his green jersey)
When they got home, mom and dad were all disgusted because people apparently can't READ the big "NO SOLICITING" sign posted at every entrance to our subdivision because there were lawn care people, Bible Beaters, cleaning services and whatnot all out ringing doorbells. I am a good guard dog and LOSE MY MIND barking when the doorbell rings, but dad and I had had enough.....

Mom was laughing really hard when she took this picture! She said we look like two grumpy old men!!!

It probably doesn't surprise anyone to find out that our doorbell has been quiet since this sign went up! HAHAHAHAAA!
Mom and Holden are going to work on making the yard pretty, dad took the car in for an oil change and I am all ready for the Wings game tonight!

It's a few hours from now, but I figured it's never too early to put one's gameface on!

Happy Saturday and GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!