Just LISTEN to us!!!!!!!!
Then we decided to play "Attack Holden".

We held him as our prisoner and sentenced him to about ten minutes of kissy face attack!
THEN...things got a bit quiet. We went outside for a while but then Pugsley was stuck outside! I thought he knew how to use the doggie door...but he must have forgotten!

"MOM! HAAAAAALP! Pugsley is stuck outside!"

"Dude....just come in the door!"

"Like THIS! Come on...just poke your head through the flap like this!"
Pusgley finally made it inside and we had fun playing all afternoon!
When his family picked him up, I was SOOOOOO tired! I snuggled up on a blanket with Grace and then fell asleep right after this picture.

Daddy said I looked like I should have had a chalk outline around me! Hahahahaha!
Mommy said that Pugsley and his family are coming over on Sunday for brunch! WHOOHOO!!!!!!!! I can't wait to play with my buddy again!
hi salinger!
oh you two are so cute. it looks like you had a blast! i love seein gyou in action and you are a very good teacher. doggy doors can be kinda confusing.
smart puggy!
m & e
We just love that picture of you showing Pugsley how to use the doggie door! hehehehe
What exhausting fun you had! That's awesome that he's coming back so soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Playing 'Chicken Leg' (pantpantpant) it the best!! (pantpantpant)
hi salinger!
i have an award and a fun tag for you over on my blog today.
Salinger, you must use this blog as proof that you need a pug-brother!!! Just look at how quickly it would wear you out - the human parents would have so much less kissy-face attack to worry about. You could kissy-face attack your pug-bro all day long!
THIS might make Salinger REALLLLY jealous!
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