So anyway...the 4th of July was a lot of fun! Pugsley's family invited us down to their house for a lunchtime cookout to celebrate the USA's birthday AND Pugsley's dad's birthday!

Here is a nice picture of me with Mommy and Daddy at the party.
As usual...Pugsley and I had a LOT of fun playing and eating all the human food that people kept sneaking to us (mom later found out that someone fed me CORN! hahahaha!)

HEY Pugsley buddy!!!!

Rare photo of Pugsley (in the red collar) and I sitting STILL and posing!
In between all the playing and snorting, the humans all kept saying how cute we were too! We were very good boys and tried our best not to jump up on anyone unless we were invited.

Here's me with Pugsley's brother, Justin. He's so funny!

Pugsley is one of the KISSIEST Pugs in the world! Here he is making out with MY Mommy!
I also made friends with a nice lady named Amanda! She works with Pugsley's mom and she reads my blog too (a FAN!). Mommy thought this picture was perfect of us!

Hi Amanda! Mommy will ask for you next time she goes to the drive thru at the bank!
Pugsley and I had more playing to do, so while the people were busy eating, we played some more and made everyone laugh.

HAHAHAHA! I have CRAAAAAZY eyes in this picture!
THEN...something really weird happened..........I looked over at mommy, and she was holding a BABY!

This is Garrett...mommy kept saying how cute he was. I smelled his toes to check him out and then decided that Pugsley was more fun.
So after the cookout, mommy and daddy brought me home so I could take a nap and they went to another party and then came home before the fireworks started since they weren't sure what I would do. I was only a little baby last year and I didn't mind them, but since I'm older now, they weren't sure how I'd react. Good thing they were here, because I was SCARED! I didn't flip out...but I just sat right next to one of them for protection and was shaking a little bit.

Here I am protecting Daddy from the LOUD fireworks!
So that was my 4th of July! I didn't get to eat any wallymelon, but mommy gave me some nectarine instead and I liked that a lot! She found a new recipe in her new Greek cookbook (Holden got it for her!) for baked nectarines with a baklava type nut topping. She's been making them for the last few days and eating them with her Trader Joe Greek yogurt. She rolls her eyes back and keeps saying they taste "like summer"...whatever that means. I just know they're tasty and I get to lick the plate when she's all done!

I hope everyone had a fun, safe and tasty 4th (or Fork) of July!!!
Sounds like you had a great time. Boy, your mom must be a good cook. That recipe sounded delish (to mom). As for babies, they're okay but I'd rather have another pug to play with. When they get older, they're more fun.
hi salinger!
sounds like a wonderful weekend! you take the BEST pictures. What a pretty puggy you are!
you always make us smile!
m & e
It looks like you had a great 4th, Salinger and those nectarines look so yummy!
I hate fireworks too! I'm so glad the 4th is behind us for another year! Does Amanda pass out cookies when you go to to drive-through at your bank?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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