Here is a short video of a bunch of us running around!
The Indy Pug Meetup takes place every Saturday at Broadripple Park (10:30 during the summer months and 2pm during the rest of the year). It's very informal and a big group of us meet for Puggy Play Time! Our owners/parents chat with each other and laugh about how silly we are. SOMETIMES...there is a special event to celebrate!

Check me out in my party hat! It was someone's fifth birthday............

We had a fun party for Sophie and we brought PUPCAKES (recipe will follow) to share with everyone!

Here's me (in the black harness) on Mommy's lap "sort of" sharing a pupcake with Sophie (on HER mommy's lap).
There were LOTS of other Pugs there at the meetup, but Daddy said that Dixie(Bugg) was his favorite (next to me). Dixie is Sophie's "Special" sister.

Here's is Daddy with Dixie-Bugg. She is SO cute!
I was starting to get really jealous and daddy scooped me up to get ready to leave

After the meetup, we had to go to Best Buy to pick up the new computer and then Mommy and Daddy were GUESS where I got to go????????'s McCheesy!
Yes, yes, yes....I know the Puggy food police is going to be ALL over this one, but it was a TREAT (and my dinner!) and then I shared some of Mommy's salad so I got some veggies too.

OH THAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU for the salad Mommy!
It was a fun day...AND I made a new friend...

Ohmigoodness, what an exciting weekend you've had! We were supposed to have a pug meet up on Saturday, but seriously - 10am the day after the 4th of July?? Do they think pugs and their owners are immune to hangovers??? wrong!
It sounds like you guys had lots of fun! Love the birthday hats! :)
Don't worry I won't tell the food police, Gus and Indy got some cheese pieces and some moose sausage this weekend! :)
That looks like a lot of fun. I always like the meetups as I get to run around a lot. Except last time I got into the dog food.
OMD your dinner sounds so good. PS I think that video was before LAZZZZZY humans brought us there. Stupid Dixie barking all night at the fireworks. Well it was super duper good to see you sweet S-dog boyfriend!!!
your post made my whole day! salinger, sophie and dixie bugg all in one place. i wish we could have come too and i am still laughing at the ronald mcdonald picture.
you crack me up! oh! and the thank you picture - priceless!
How cute all you puggies are together in one place, Salinger!
OMG, you got to share the table with your mom and dad to eat your McCheesy hamburger! We are so jealous!
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