Friday, January 20, 2012

The Fall of the House of Gingerbread 2011

Hello friends!  Salinger T. Pug Esq. back in my rightful position here at the keyboard today!  As some of you may remember, each year my human brother Holden creates a cool gingerbread house that we keep out on display during Christmas and then DESTROY together in some sort of fabulously spectacular fashion.  Check out previous destruction HERE and HERE.  (Go ahead....we'll wait!)

So after mom put away all the Xmas tchochkies and clutter, Holden took care of the gingerbread house...
Notice ME all adorable and posing nicely for the camera while Toby (the RUBE) is all busy huffing the farkakte gingerbread house!!!

Ok....ready??????  Here it goes!!! MMMMMM!!!  Destruction is YUMMY!!!!!


Winston Wilbur said...

OMP I wanna come over next year for the gingerbreadhouse distruction. I will bring my feedbag!

Looks so yummy!


Buddy said...

I can't believe toby didn't dive right in!! haha.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I think it's AWESOME! And Paco kept trying to get on the computer cause somebody kept saying "COOKIES"!!! He's coming over for Toby's share next year!

Vito and Gina said...

Um this is awesome for many reasons. 1. why is your grass green? My Mom's grass has looked like hay since August. 2. Holden threw COOKIES across the yard and you guys were allowed to eat them?? I need a Holden of my own. and 3. you guys have left a trail in the grass of your travels - what's with the dead grass pattern exactly where Toby was running?? That is some METHODICAL pug potty-time work that has clearly taken a lot of diligence and routine!

Toby friend, I am happy for you that you have the most awesome puggie home ever, and if ever needed, I am willing to move in at any given moment. Keep me on speed dial if your mom decides to add a 3rd.


Salinger The Pug said...

Vito dude....our grass is NOW WHITE and covered with ICE after the snow we got the night before last! Mom actually took this video last week before the weather turned all dicey.

Yeah...Toby's pretty cool to have around. I don't like when he bogarts my toys, but he's a good dude.

When our snow will take a pic of the backyard from upstairs for you. Toby and I always follow the same path when we're out checking/leaving pee mail!

You can totally come visit ANY time, but your mom has to bring some of that Volpi tube meat.


Suzy said...

Toby is such a cutie! I'm sure he'll get the hang of the gingy house destruction soon xoxo

Life on the Smushie Ranch said...

Sal, for all that's holy and Smushie in this world.. someone teach your mom how to steady the camera! I about chucked up my kibble watching the total destruction of the gingerbread house. Which by the way, what's up with Toby? A Pug that isn't interested in free food. I'm suspect he might be an alien. Just sayin'.


Minnie and Mack said...

Don't worry, Toby, you'll be ready for next year's Ginger throw! What a great idea. We'll pass it on to hu-mom for next year. We just watched her chuck ours into the trash.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack

Tiffy said...

Hi Sal! Please, please, please invite to next year's gingerbread house destruction. I love cookies and will clean up the mess in no time flat.

Tell Toby he is super cute and that I can't wait to meet him!


Wilma said...

Just one more reason why being a pug in the Midwest is so much better than on the east coast. Send real estate book!

Southern Fried Pugs said...

Poor Toby, he didn't understand that he could eat the house. He'll learn soon.
Invite us next year, too. We could totally help clean up the gingerbread.

Payton said...

I'm starting to get the distinct impression that there is going to be a huge pug party at the next gingerbread house demolition and I totally want a front seat! Plus, I can't wait to meet Toby!

Two French Bulldogs said...

That sounds like fun destruction
Benny & Lily

Frank The Tank said...

I wish I would have been there to taste... I mean witness the pure gingerbread Yummyness and destruction, that looked fun! I would have been all over that house, not like Salinger or poor confused Toby, I would have caught that house in my mouth as it hit the ground and all the gingerbread goodness would have been in my little Pugalier tummy in two seconds flat! Then I would have puked! Ha,Ha! Love, Licks and Hugs from your friend Frank x x x x x

Hank said...

Sal, buddy.....I sure coulda used some gingerbread demolition an' a PBR. Yep. Sniff.

Anyhoo, whut's up with that Kunta Kinte?? Don't he know gingerbread houses are fer eatin'???