One thing that mom is still trying to stay consistent with is walking me at least 2 miles in the morning and again in the evening (I have to stay muscular like my daddy, Rufus!). Since Holden is back in school now, we've been going a bit later in the morning after the evil cheesewagon rolls by. Mom has a new walking buddy in the AM named Mrs. Brown and her Boxer named Payton! Payton is SUCH a pretty girl and she is working so hard on her obedience and listening to Mrs. Brown.

VERY nice "down stay" Payton!
After our walk yesterday, Payton and her mom came to our house to get some herbs from the herb garden. Payton and I ran around and played in the backyard and had SO much fun!

After we ran and exhausted ourselves, I tried to teach Payton to use my doggie door!

"Payyyyyyyyyton! In here!!!"
Our moms said she was too big for my door, but I kept trying to help her!

"LOOK! Just push and go in!"
We decided it wasn't going to work, so we went back to playing and then it was time for Payton to go home so mom could get some work done.

"Bye Payton! Thanks for coming over!"
We missed our walk this morning because Holden's school district called a TWO HOUR FOG DELAY so mom just walked me around the block. I'll get to see Payton again tomorrow and this time mom will get pics of Payton's new baby brother...WEISS, the white Boxer! Stay tuned for pics!
Happy Thursday everyone!