I, Salinger O'Jack Seamus McGillicutty Kelley-Lawson am here with my annual St. Patrick's Day post! This year, we dedicate this post as a big fat THANK YOU to Minnie and Mack and their sweet Hu-mom for donating some $$ to KPR to help some of our Puggie friends! THANKS GUYS! (the rest of you that donated will each get your own post too!)

Here I am toasting Minnie, Mack and their Hu-mom with a nice room temperature Guinness!!!! Sláinte!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad (poster boy of Ireland!) and I settled in on the TOLG (a.k.a. couch!) and had us a nice puff on the old Dúidín (pipe)

Ahhhhhh.....Is maith é sin (this is LOVELY!)
Dad piled up all things even remotely "Irishy" for a photo op....

Would you LOOK at all this CACAMAS (crap!)??? A box of Lucky Charms cereal? A shillelagh? The Kelley family crest? Bottle of Guinness?
HE'S dÚsachtach!!! (CRAZY!)

Dia cabhrú liom!!!! (God help me!)
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY everyone and a big big St. Patty's kiss to Minnie, Mack and their Hu-mom for helping out our pals at KPR! You guys ROCK!
***Mom's note*** Hey Oisin and Amanda....how did we do??? :-)
Will there be any bangers and mashed on the menu? Hehehehe, you guys look hysterical! Happy St. Patty's Day!
Oh my goodness Sal, you are ready to go! You better keep an eye on our pops
Benny & Lily
Oh!! S-Dog, La mamma thought she did not understand your English, she was "Erin go braless???" we thinkie your stripper namie was Erin, and you were gona make a show (like Dulce), but then she realize that what we thinkie, it Irish(that we thought they spoke English)
But whatever it is you look so Handsome ( to bad your Married)
Happy St. Patty's Day!
Spongy, Licky & La Mamma
Wow very good Irish guys and pics bol!!
Tá me an-sainmhíniú.
The only correction would be when you are saying a male is crazy you would say "Tá sé ar buile" and change sé to sí to make it feminine!
Úsachtach is used in the past tense :)"Bhí sé dÚsachtach" means he was crazy!
Apart from that well done go-maith!
Slán go fóill
Le Grá
Oisín agus Amanda :)
Lá sona Fhéile Pádraig
(Happy St. Patricks Day)
Happy St Patty's Day to you too,Salinger! and thanks for mentioning us in your blog. We love helping out homeless puggies.
We've never met an Irish pug before, but if we had to imagine one, it would be just like you!
Hu-mom and hu-dad are going to the Carribbean and we won't be blogging for a week or so and we'll miss following you. See you soon.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Per chance the shirt should say "born crazy"???? just sayin'!!!! Looks like a little elfin magic has been going on there!
happy happy st. patty's day!
oh my gosh!
you always make my day!
what a fabulous post!
Um Sal..Did you take a poo on that stick your dad is holding? Geese.
Kitty and Coco
Salinger, you truly look like you need that Guinness when your dad is holding you! Happy St. Patrick's Day, buddy! Now tell your dad to put that farkakte stick down and open the beer!
you's a little party animal!
Happy St Pattys Day
We hope you had a great St. Patty's day. We hope you didn't party too hard.
Lots of Licks-
Oak and Swish
Wow! You and your family really know how to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! Sounds like lots and lots of fun!
Bennie and Martha
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